Do This Daily To Build A Positive Relationship

 It does not take vacation getaways or big fancy dates to build a positive relationship. At the same time, it does not just happen. Relationship Advice: You must put in the work to build this connection. It takes little bits to build up over time. Thankfully, this means you can make positive impacts in your relationship by making the smallest of changes. Here are some realistic small tips for building positive and healthy relationships.

Your Intent. Yes, the small things add up, but they do need to be thoughtful. The intent and thoughtfulness behind your actions help create trust, intimacy, and satisfaction within your relationship. These can be used to repair something that went wrong as well as maintain the strengths of your relationship when the intent is put in place.

Starting Your Workday3 Minutes Per Day.

Before you start your day, take a couple of minutes to be with your partner. Under 5 minutes works just fine for this. Maybe you make your coffee together, eat breakfast, or get dressed together. The idea here is to learn one interesting thing that will happen to them today. A quick way to connect to know about their world, what concerns they are having, or what they are excited about. If you don’t have time for other points of connection, you have this time to know about their day.

Before you leave one another for the day, make sure you say goodbye before going your separate ways. Regardless of what you choose to say to your partner, make sure this goodbye ritual includes a kiss. Now I’m not talking about a quick peck of a kiss. This kiss should be at least 6 seconds. 

Side note, how long is 6 seconds? As you are reading this take a good, deep breath in and out as you count in your head. This should be around 6 seconds. This helps you feel the time. If this doesn’t help, then at first count it in your head until this length becomes more natural. I know it might not feel as romantic because you are counting, but you are doing this a few times to learn how to tell what that length of time feels like without counting.

Admiration and Appreciation. 5 Minutes Per Day.

Sure, you might think about how awesome it is that your wife made dinner when you had a day full of meetings. It is not enough to think positive thoughts about your partner – you need to verbally communicate that to them. This helps build that healthy foundation for commitment, trust, friendship, and more!


  • Share something you like about your partner’s personality and an example of when you saw it throughout the day. 
  • Catch your partner doing something that you like and say thank you for it. This is a reminder to them that you want more of that specific activity, thought, or other points of connection. 
  • Reach out to them during the day (call, text, email, or even in person) to let them know you are thinking about them.
  • Write a quick love note and put it in your partner’s car before they leave for work. Perhaps on the mirror when they are in the shower, or their briefcase. A mini surprise to show some love. 
  • Your partner is a Rockstar – be as open as possible when they are owning the day!

Again, the important takeaway here is to verbally communicate your appreciation for their acts, personality, etc. Bonus: thank them for connecting with you on the other points of this blog and why you are thankful. Or thank them verbally and with physical affection.

Physical Affection5 Minutes Per Day.

Have fun here! Playing around is perfect. Kiss, hold, grab, and touch each other. This should be done throughout the day such as parting for work, coming back home, when you are showing admiration, before bed, and more. Bonus: add that 6-second kiss throughout the day. Make kisses more than a quick thing and remind yourself what that kiss is meant to be. A kiss is more than a habit. Every kiss is a moment for building that connection.

Daily Stress-Reducing Conversations20 Minutes Per Day/ 5 Days Per Week.

When your partner comes home, greet them and kiss them. (Note: again, these points can all be used in combination). Sometimes when people get home they want space while others want to talk right away. If you need time before the conversation this is fine; however, you need to have a ritual regarding reunions towards the end of the day. This conversation should be utilized to decrease stress.

Research has shown when you can safeguard your relationship from outside stresses, you are more likely to maintain positive relationship changes over time. Protect and honor your relationship by keeping the strain of negative life experiences separate from your connection.

How to protect your relationship:

  • Talk in a quiet, distraction-free place in your home. Sit across from your partner to be able to look at your partner easily.
  • One at a time, talk about the stress of the day (stresses outside of your relationship). This is not the time to talk about your relationship but to be able to connect on the stresses from something else. This helps your partner be in your corner instead of on the defense. 
  • When you are listening to your partner talk do not try to solve the issue for them. Do not try to play devil’s advocate. Even if you see an alternative point, your partner is right. Let them get that frustration out by just hearing their point. Ask questions about the point. Ask for more details. Be curious about their day.
  • Communicate your understanding verbally (“Wow, I’d be pissed, too”) and non-verbally (maintaining eye contact and other appropriate body language)
  • Let them know you are in it together (“we” are mad and “we” will face this problem together)
  • Do not: ignore what they are saying, fail to respond, criticize their points, or get defensive. If you feel this happening, let your partner know you want to hear more about this later today. You need some space to get ready for that talk to be at your best for them.

Date Nights. 2 Hours Per Week.

Have a weekly date night! These little points of connection are important, and so are date nights. Little acts daily add up over time, and that adds to a regular date night. Date nights should be about exploring one another’s worlds. That can be fun, intimate, romantic, or adventurous. The idea here is to continue to add to your friendship foundation and pay attention to your partner. Check out my other recent blog post for ideas on creating a date night at home.

Be intentional in connecting with your partner as often as possible. It doesn’t have to be these grand gestures, but more about implementing small acts throughout our daily points of connection to build lifelong positive relationships. Be intentional to connect before you head into work. Be intentional about longer kisses. Be intentional when you are listening and you will find positive feelings growing within your relationship.


Stay Connected for More Insights to Build a Positive Relationship!

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Looking for more strategies and daily actions to build a positive relationship? Head over to my blogs for a wealth of information. Immerse yourself in my articles where I focus on everyday practices and thoughtful gestures to nurture your bond. Whether it’s a simple morning routine or a special way to end the day, you’ll find plenty of ideas to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

Remember, every small step counts in building a positive and enduring relationship. To build a positive relationship, it’s essential to recognize the value of these moments. I’m here to guide and support you on this fulfilling journey. Let’s make every day count in our effort to build a positive relationship!


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