How To Be More Sexually Active


How To Be More Sexually Active

Perhaps you have a wonderful friendship with your partner and have a strong bond together; however, you’re also looking to spice up your sexual chemistry. In general, intimacy needs dedication to thrive, and that is true for intimacy inside and outside of the bedroom (more information about increasing intimacy here). This post will target what you can do to have more satisfaction from your sex life. 

Living a healthy lifestyle has tremendous impacts on every avenue in our lives! To help illustrate this point, I’d like you to think about your holiday traditions. Perhaps, you wake up on a holiday to work knowing you have a big meal ahead of you. Then you meet up with loved ones – perhaps have some wine with dinner. Speaking of dinner, it’s likely some kind of traditional comfort food that may be heavier than your average meal. Then there’s dessert. From all this food, you likely won’t sleep well. Then you wake up groggy and feel sluggish in your morning workout. You rely on caffeine to get you through the day at work… 

One meal impacted your life. One thing. That’s the power of one behavior. The same can happen with a positive behavior change. If you start drinking enough water each day, then you’ll likely feel more alert, have easier digestion, and can likely perform stronger during physical activities. If you start to workout, then you’ll start to have more endurance, stronger muscles, increased confidence, and decreased anxiety – just to name a few. One behavior change can turn into a domino effect of positive impacts. 

I think you get the point. Without further ado, let’s talk about behavior changes that can positively impact your sex drive!

6 Behavior Changes That Impact Sex Drive:

  • Effective Coping Strategies. Finding effective, healthy coping strategies can impact your sex life because stress has tremendous negative impacts on your body – including stress hormones that can create a low sex drive in some people. Additionally, many mental health challenges are associated with low sex drive including depression, anxiety, trauma, and body image concerns. Effective coping strategies might include sleep hygiene, family and alone time, healthy eating, breathing exercises, being compliant with your medications, and working out. Speaking of working out…
  • Exercise. Physical activity outside of the bedroom can help your sex life because your body is used to and wants to be active! All the great hormone releases that happen during a workout can then carry that desire into the bedroom. In addition, most people report having an increased body image when they start to see the physical gains from workouts. In short, active people stay active.
  • Prioritize Sex. Intimacy does not just happen. You must be intentional about your intimate connection to have it. For some couples, they like to schedule intimate time together or have the kids stay with the grandparents/babysitter to ensure they have dedicated time. For others, they might regularly buy special gifts (such as lingerie or new bedding) to prioritize sex. Regardless of how you set aside time, I’d like you to have at least one time per week to nurture your intimate connection. This may include a weekly date night, massages, a special dinner, or sex. 
  • Try Something New. Trying something new in the bedroom shows your partner you are open to experiences, helps strengthen trust, and directly targets vulnerability between partners. This might include trying a new position, having sex during a different time of the day, or spending more time on foreplay. If you and your partner are open to experimentation, explore one another’s desires or fantasies to see how that may fit into the relationship. 
  • Vacations. While I do not recommend a vacation as a long-term solution, it can be the spark you need to inspire your sex life. Some couples report an easier time relaxing, have increased privacy away from the kids, and long for adventure while on vacation. These traits can increase your desire for sex. Perhaps you can explore how to create a similar experience at home; however, you can take advantage of a vacation, too!
  • Create an Intimate Environment. Consider buying new bedding, new furniture, new lighting, etc. to create a more intimate bedroom. You don’t want to hear kids playing or see the dirty laundry that needs to be done, so see how you can strengthen the sensuality in the space. To accomplish this goal, reflect on the senses: what we feel, see, smell, taste, or hear can all positively or negatively impact whether we are “in the mood”.

In summary, it’s not always about making BIG moves to implement change. Instead, make the RIGHT moves to implement change. The above behaviors can benefit your sex life when you are intentional about strengthening that experience for both you and your partner. Consider your behaviors such as needing more physical activity or more effective coping strategies. Also, consider the space – what can we change in our bedroom or how can we have a “stay-cation”? Lastly, be intentional about sex and intimacy by prioritizing that time with your partner and talking about your preferences. Many couples have a satisfying sexual relationship – and you can, too!

You can also check out this 5-minute video on this topic!

Deepen Your Intimacy: A Path to Active Passion

Curious about the secrets to a more vibrant and sexually active relationship? Dive into my world of insights and strategies aimed at deepening intimacy! Stay in touch via social media for regular updates, motivational stories, and creative approaches to rekindle the flames of passion. Join this lively community to explore every aspect of intimacy, learning the best ways to express and experience love in its most rewarding forms.

Your involvement is precious, and I am thrilled to take this explorative journey with you across these platforms. Together, let’s demystify the complexities of intimacy and uncover groundbreaking methods to elevate the passion in your love life!

Reflect on Your Intimacy Journey

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Fascinated by themes like “Intimacy,” sexual well-being, and the dynamics of relationships? My blogs are a treasure trove of information and inspiration. Delve into carefully selected content, designed to guide you in fostering deeper passion, empathy, and partnership throughout your relationship’s journey.


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